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TvToday: the Series

TvToday is a pixel art show, composed by Seasons (small NFT collections) and Episodes (NFTs)
Each Episode will populate the digital world as a unique and stunning NFT

Watch the Trailer and figure out how it all started!

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Be the first to join the first ever NFT Tv show project

Each NFT is unique and you will be the owner of a TvToday episode. No rarity options or traits: each NFT is rare

Owners will have the possibility to get some NFT episode as gift and take part of free airdrops

More to come.. Join our newsletter and socials! You will never turn off your TV


What is TvToday?

TvToday is a set of NFT (Non-Fungible Token) collections developed as a Tv show. Each collection is a "Season" which is composed by a small number of NFTs (the "Episodes"). Each Episode is minted as a unique, single-edition NFT and no duplicates will be released.

How many Episodes in a TvToday Season?

The number of Episodes varies from a Season to another. Anyway each Season is composed by 10-15 Episodes.

When will Season One be released?

The first TvToday Season is titled 'Zapping', it is composed by 11 episodes and you can find them on Foundation! G. has just bought a black television and now he is testing the digital signals. Did G. get a good deal buying that TV?

Which blockchain? How can I buy a TvToday Episode?

Season One "Zapping" is sleeping on the Ethereum blockchain sofa, and published on Foundation! G. and me, me and G., G. and them, are waiting you.

Can I resell my Episode?

Let me ask to G.. mmm.. ok.
Yes you can. You have full rights on your Episode. You can resell it or watching and watching and watching and watching it for years.

Who is G.?

A guy who loves watching Tv alone. Isn't that true, G.?

Stay tuned!

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